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October 7th Public Meeting Notice
The Medina County Emergency Services District No. 6 (MCESD 6) Board of Commissioners will be having a meeting to discuss district business.
September 24th Public Meeting Notice
The Medina County Emergency Services District No. 6 (MCESD 6) Board of Commissioners will be having a meeting to discuss district business.
September 17th Public Meeting Notice
The Medina County Emergency Services District No. 6 (MCESD 6) Board of Commissioners will be having a meeting to discuss district business.
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Welcome to Medina County ESD 6
Emergency Services Districts (ESDs) are authorized by the Texas Constitution, Article 3, Section 48-e, and Chapter 775 of the Texas Health & Safety Code. ESDs are political subdivisions of the State of Texas. They may support or provide local emergency services, including emergency medical services, emergency ambulance services, rural fire prevention and control services, and other emergency services authorized by the Texas Legislature. ESDs may collect a sales and use tax and/or property taxes to support or provide these services.